Monday, 26 September 2022

Drama: Exactly why Are usually Some individuals Addicted to Drama?

 The term 'Drama' is commonly heard and utilized in today's world. This might be to explain something on TV or in a film. Additionally, it may describe what is going on in one's life or the life of another person.

Dictionary Meaning

And on the website drama is referred to as: 1. a composition in prose or verse presenting in dialogue or pantomime a story involving conflict or contrast of character, especially one intended to be acted on the stage; a play. 2. The branch of literature having such compositions as its subject; dramatic art or representation. 3. The art working with the writing and production of plays. dramacool 4. Any situation or number of events having vivid, emotional, conflicting, or striking interest or results: the drama of a murder trial. 5. The grade of being dramatic.

So in regards to the word drama, it would be appropriate to express that drama exists in the lack of peace and harmony. And that like most things with this earth, one can also become hooked on drama.

The Two Types Of Drama

In a soap or film like; the drama is normally more extreme than it is in a individual's life. However, even when one were to share with you the average person's life; there's still lots of drama.

This can vary from all kinds of occurrences and outcomes. And what is certain is that one's internal experience is unlikely to be one of calm and serenity. The external experience is as equally chaotic to what goes inside, or even more.

And more often than not, it'll seem that this drama is just happening and this 1 does not have any control over its expression. Because on a single side there's the drama in one's life and on another there's the attraction to the drama in the lives of others.

Visible And Invisible Drama

What's going on externally is obvious and what is going on inside another's mind and body is harder, or even impossible, to see. This is not only the case for the outside observer, but this might also connect with the individual.

Which means that ones: thoughts, feelings, emotions and even ones own behaviours may carry on unnoticed and out of ones awareness.

What's The Attraction?

And this creates the question: what attracts people to the external drama? Through becoming engrossed and attached with the drama in other people's lives, it enables at the very least two items to happen.

Among the things this does, is allows one to flee form their very own drama. And secondly by comparing ones drama to the external drama it creates a comparison. This comparison then enables anyone to see that their drama is not too bad and through this contrast one can feel more at ease.

As it pertains to the drama is one's own life, it is as if this drama follows one around. And irrespective of where ones goes or who ones with; it is definitely there and like a shadow that can't be removed.

The Drama Addiction

So whether one is running far from their very own drama or swept up in the drama of another person's life, maintain real or through watching it on TV, there's an attachment there.

This attachment usually continues on out of one's awareness and wouldn't make any sense to the conscious mind. And this attachment is creating exactly the same habits and exactly the same patterns of behaviour.

The Ego Mind

To manage to realize why something exists in one's life and why it keeps turning up, the ego mind needs to be brought to the equation. And the way the ego mind perceives the truth is largely through ones early childhood experiences.

And through these early childhood experiences the ego mind begins to form associations of what is safe and it will this through what is familiar. What this implies is, regardless of how functional or dysfunctional these experiences were: they will be associated by the ego mind as what is safe.

The wounded Inner Child

Although time could have passed; all these early experiences still exist in the wounded inner child. The old memories remain frozen and trapped in the torso and one will take on these again through regression.

Which means that one will continue to see exactly the same feelings and patterns of behaviour that this wounded inner child has associated as safe.

The Drama Experience

When ones experiences this drama in their life and with it the lack of peace and harmony, you will see certain feelings and thoughts patterns. And these feelings, behaviours and external manifestations are likely to mirror ones early childhood experience.

So what goes on may differ externally, but how one feels and thinks inside is really familiar that another way is never even thought about. And as a result of the; the internal experience is not questioned or observed.

These feelings could be: hopelessness, rejection, abandonment, powerless, worthlessness and fear.

The Hidden Benefit

On top these clearly don't have any benefit, but to the ego mind and to the wounded inner child they're familiar and therefore safe. What this also means is that the ego mind has based its whole identity on these associations and so if the ego mind were to let them go, it would seem like the end of its existence.

The ego mind also offers a myriad of defence mechanism to avoid looking at its self and facing what it prefer to try to escape from. It does this as it works on pleasure and pain. And what happened those years ago in ones childhood might have undoubtedly been painful and this means the ego mind is going to do all it could to avoid these early memories.


So through defence mechanisms such as for instance: dissociation, repression, denial and projection; all this 1 hasn't faced will arrive in ones interactions with others and as internal experiences. And this is the reason exactly the same patterns will be and why drama often follows many people exactly where each goes and whoever there with.


This shows how important awareness is. All that has happened before is just continuing to seem, as it has not been expressed. Through the ego minds tendency to avoid what happened, one ends up as a slave with their ego mind.

By being the observer of the ego mind and allowing yesteryear feelings, emotions and thoughts to be expressed; one has the opportunity to see that there another way.

Drama exists as an option or as a possible; it is not the only real choice and is one of several potentials.

My name is Oliver J R Cooper and I have now been on a journey of self awareness for over nine years and for quite some time prior to that I'd an all-natural curiosity.

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